Navigating the online world safely

If you want to get found online and grow your business in amazing ways, social media is a must have. But with all the goodness social media can deliver, it has a dark side too – bullying. Sadly, examples of high school kids succumbing to online bullying are all too plentiful. But what about bullying between adults? It’s not as widely talked about and it’s harder to find examples of, mostly because it can be  initially misinterpreted as friendship or mentoring. As the “mean girl” from high school grows up, she’s harder to spot.

Frenemies and social media

Frenemies are bulliesIf you’re not up on what a frenemy is, let me give you the 411. A frenemy is someone who says s/he likes you but then disparages you when you’re out of earshot. In social media, that nastiness most often happens through DM’s (private messages) – high tech gossip. The trouble with bullying in social media is that it can bleed into the workplace and can have disastrous effects.

What surprises me is when bullying comes from someone I trusted. How did I miss the signs? Sadly, grown up bullies are just as insecure as their high school counterparts – they’re just a whole lot more sophisticated in their tactics.

If you think you’ve been bullied, read through our finds this week and learn how to protect yourself.

Disturbing news about workplace bullies

Many bullies are very socially skilled and use their bullying behavior strategically to coerce others into providing them the resources needed to achieve their work-related objectives. Read more at

Why are women such bullies at work?

While workplace studies show women are routinely underestimated compared to men, we don’t give much credence to the fact that women hampering other women is also to blame…. Many of us have witnessed the man who comments on a woman’s hotness just as she leaves the room. But what about the woman who criticizes another’s appearance (Did you see what she was wearing in there?) or frowns on a woman’s unapologetic use of power (Just who does she think she is?)? Read more at

Personal & business “bullying” in social media: ways to manage it

Some people argues that social media is about complete openness. But the cases when social networks become bullying arenas are not that rare. What are the right ways to behave in the situation when you get attacked or humiliated and this can damage your reputation or business? Read more at

3 ways to smack down a grown-up bully

According to recent data, adult bullying is on the rise: In a 2012 survey of workers, 65 percent of American participants reported being bullied at their jobs, and adult bullying happens online and among social circles as well. Read more at

Have you experienced bullying at work or on social media? Were you the victim or a bystander? How did you deal with the situation?

I would love to hear your thoughts on bullying in social media. Let’s continue the conversation on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn (whichever one works best for you) or leave a comment below.