sadactressYou have a dream, and you’re working hard and waiting for that big break.  Then the opportunity comes your way, and part of you would love to just jump at it and give it your all.  Another part of you isn’t so sure though.  It holds back, questions and doubts.

You may be experiencing the struggling actress mindset.

So what do I mean by that?

You want to be successful and make it big in your chosen profession, but during that in-between time of working hard and not seeing all the results you would expect or like to see, you connect with other people in a similar situation.   Maybe your struggles to grow your business become almost like a badge of honour and a key part of your identity.  Deep within, you feel like this is who you are, and you’re not sure what it would be like to really make it big, whatever that means for you.  You’re not even sure you really want to.

So what can you do to stop these thinking and feeling habits and move your dream towards reality?


It can be too easy to get caught up in day-to-day life and little details and forget the big picture of why your dream is important to you in the first place.  Remind yourself regularly of why it matters, maybe through pictures and quotes you put up where you will see them often, a friend or coach to hold you accountable, journaling, reading inspirational books or taking time for reflection.


When part of you longs for something so deeply and part of you is holding back out of fear of change or other emotional discomfort, you will feel it.  Maybe it starts bubbling up as resentment or anger.  Maybe you feel it physically like a tightness in your chest or twisting in your stomach.  Pay attention to both the emotional and physical impacts to see when you are not fully living in line with your deepest values and most heartfelt desires.


I know, easier said than done.  When you feel that inner tension or find yourself holding back, try not to blame others or find excuses.  Don’t look outside to external parties and circumstances.  While it is true that we can control our efforts but not the end results, are you really doing everything you can?  Are you making those necessary phone calls?  Facing your fear and doing what needs to be done even when you’re afraid?  Doing all you can to make those dreams come true?  Or taking half-hearted action and then complaining that you’re not seeing the results you would like?

These are ongoing, lifelong journeys that most if not all of us experience.  So commit to moving forward and forgiving yourself when you may stumble.

Wishing you true success in all your endeavours!

follow-your-heart1Want more of Elizabeth?

Join Elizabeth on August 27th for her Webinar – Follow Your Internal GPS – An Action Plan to Move Past Fear, Trust Your Heart and Change Your Life!

Have you ever felt it? That painful feeling deep inside as your chest tightens and clenches. Your stomach twists. Your head aches.

You feel torn and wish you could just figure out what you need to do next.

Have you always longed for success but never imagined that it would leave you feeling so empty?

What if you could feel stronger and less dependent on other people for your self-worth?

Do you feel like you’re just going through the motions and you’re not even sure how you ended up here?

– See more at:


Follow Your Internal GPS: An Action Plan to Move Past Your Fear, Trust Your Heart, and Change Your Life – See more at:
Follow Your Internal GPS: An Action Plan to Move Past Your Fear, Trust Your Heart, and Change Your Life – See more at:
Follow Your Internal GPS: An Action Plan to Move Past Your Fear, Trust Your Heart, and Change Your Life – See more at:
WIBN Community Webinar: An Action Plan to Move Past Fear & Change your Life – See more at: