A LifeTime management ™ tool

At the recent Women in Biz Network Toronto Conference, I had the pleasure of speaking about managing
time – from coming to terms with the fact our time is limited to getting good at making the most of it. I
began my presentation with a dive into a high level time management tool – The Wheel of Life. From
a show of hands, it was new to all but a handful of people, and from the twitter stream following the
conference (#WIBN), it was clear that it resonated with many.

The Wheel of Life is a tool to help you design your life. It helps you become aware of what you are
spending your time on, and what might be being neglected. Eight different areas of life are arranged in
a circle, sectioned like a pie into 8 pieces. The eight areas I suggest focusing on are: Health, Wealth,
Career, Play, Family & Friends, Personal Growth, Environment, and Significant Relationship.

You rate each area from 0-10 based on your level of satisfaction with each area – 0 being completely
missed to 10 being absolutely satisfied. Connect the dots and see how full your circle is. For any
underserved areas, develop action plans to boost your attention and therefore satisfaction in each area.

As women running busy careers, households, and often families, it is easy for our calendars to become
as cluttered as our physical spaces. Use your focus on the different areas in life to determine what to
spend your time on, and what to say no to. There may be periods of time you choose to focus on one
area more than another – that’s normal. Consider using the Wheel of Life quarterly, or whenever you
experience a major transition.

Free for a limited time, download your copy of the Streamlife Wheel of Life – a Lifetime Management™

The Wheel of Life methodology can be applied to other areas of life too. You may want to use it to assess
how you are spending time at work or on your business. Simply use categories that are relevant to what
you want to accomplish.

Give it a try. I’d love to hear from you to learn how it shifts the way you manage your time.


Twitter: @streamlife