Many of you already know how easy it is to register for Women in Biz Network events from the web with Eventbrite. From an organizer’s perspective, Eventbrite is an easy way to create, share and sell tickets to our events such as our next event with Deb Weinstein. But did you know that you can now access your Eventbrite tickets directly from your smart phone?
The free Eventbrite app for Apple and Android devices will let you view all your upcoming events, access your tickets, share event information with friends, contact organizers directly from the event page and get a map to the location. As an attendee, I love being able to show my ticket at the door from my phone (so I don’t have to remember to print and bring the ticket) and as an organizer, being able to quickly scan and validate tickets helps to ease congestion at the entrance. As if we needed another reason, you’ll also be doing your share in helping our environment by using less paper.