Event Description

In honour of Digital Literacy Day, we invite you to a special event where you’ll have the opportunity to hear from the tech industry, post-secondary institutions, and grassroots organizations, who are partnering to create the next generation of game-changing programs in STEM.

What: A panel discussion between hEr VOLUTION, Shopify, Salesforce, Citrix, and Humber College that opens a dialogue on how to work together to bring forward digital literacy to everyone. The panel will be followed by a speed networking event where attendees will have the opportunity to ask various industry professionals questions about the technology industry and what it has to offer, partnership development and non-profit insights to help build strong relationships in order to bring digital literacy to a more diverse population.

Who is this event for: Industry Professionals, Non-Profits, Educators, + those wanting to learn more about partnership opportunities and make real connections

Why: We believe that digital literacy is critical to the future of work, yet not all people such as women, visible minorities, new immigrants, and indigenous people have access to build this skill.

Event Details

Thursday, May 31, 2018
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT

Humber College
E Concourse – 205 Humber College Boulevard, Toronto, ON, Canada

How can people register?


What will attendees learn?

This event will discuss how partnerships between grassroots organization, tech corporations and post-secondary institutions can support everyone with access to digital literacy education and a career in tech.

Do you have a special offer or incentive for WIBN members to attend?

The event is free of charge. Registration required

Connect on Twitter hEr VOLUTION and at http://www.hervolution.org and at https://www.facebook.com/hErVOLUTION/

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Doina Oncel

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