

Our sponsors Sage and Microsoft are excited to be supporting a very important initiative for Canada.  This year, for the first time ever, we are looking to celebrate National Entrepreneurs’ Day (NED) in Canada. This day is already celebrated in the US and other countries.

This day will take place each year on the Tuesday of Global Entrepreneurship Week, November 16 – 22.  Entrepreneurs are vital to innovation, job creation and economic growth.  In July, we spoke to Industry Canada officials about NED and look forward to continuing discussions after the election. This year the first National Entrepreneur’s Day in Canada will be on Tuesday November 14th, 2015.

National Entrepreneurs Day is a day to raise awareness and support for entrepreneurship across the country.  This day aims to highlight the contributions of Canadian entrepreneurs, raise the profile of entrepreneurship, and empower the next generation of young entrepreneurs to consider entrepreneurship as a viable career option.  On this day, entrepreneurs and supporters are encouraged to spread awareness and support – by harnessing partnerships with innovation centers, corporations, media, accelerators, schools, government and other key influencers.

How can you help?  Visit NED and pledge your support TODAY.  Our goal is to gather 100,000 signatures to share with the next Minister of State for Small Business.