Smooothie! I know there are many, many ways to bring these fantastic cups of energy to life. This is how I’ve been doing it lately;

  • Start out with about 1 cup of some frozen fruit, small chunks of stuff like mango, strawberry or blueberries – nothing with too many obnoxious little seeds (like blackberries).
  • Then add in some unsweetened nutty milk like coconut or almond.
  • Next a spoonful of protein powder (I prefer Vega Greens) and 2 large spoonfuls of yogurt.
  • Top it up with a bit more nut milk and then fire up the blending until it reaches a nice smooth consistency.
  • The last step is to stir in some chia seeds – let it hang out in the fridge for about 5 minutes to allow the chias to expand and voila!

A super appreciated smoothie to kick off the day.  

What do you think of that? Tell me other smoothie tricks – I will try them…